
Here Are Some Storytelling Opportunities to Consider

Give Your Children Wings so they Learn to Fly on their Own.
Give Elders their Respected Place at the Table.

As a teacher of healing stories, Debra can come to your organization and present experiential one-and-a-half or two-hour workshops for parents and extended family, teachers and support staff, healers, hospital staff working with children, and staff members of spiritual organizations and youth organizations.

Debra visits communities of elders and works with each elder to help them identify the stories they would like to tell and the wisdom they would like to share, and helps them shape the stories to ready them for telling. She can then facilitate the sharing of these stories in celebratory “sharing circles” attended by children and youth. Debra can also provide interactive healing storytelling programs for elders after consulting with therapeutic recreation staff.

Debra can provide storytelling programs for children pre-school to elementary school addressing specific themes and needs identified by a particular school or youth organization through consultation.

Debra can provide direct work within classrooms, consult with teachers and support staff, design healing/teaching storytelling programs within a classroom, work with many classrooms within a school on a residency basis, or provide a performance for many children.

I look forward to meeting and talking with you.